Do you want help implementing marketing and management procedures to grow and develop your business?
Hire me.
Do you want help implementing marketing and management procedures to grow and develop your business?
Hire me.
Since 1988, Petty, Michel & Associates has focused on building and developing practices.
While other seminar companies have come and gone, we have taken a different path. When you hire us, we will come on as part-time team members. We work with you and your practice to help you customize and implement procedures that work best for you.
We are the oldest chiropractic consultancy of its kind, and we wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t love what we do.
I have openings for 2 more clients. Please call me if you are interested, and we can discuss whether we would be a good fit.
Seize your future,

I have 2 levels of service – Standard and Advanced. Both include visits to your office and coaching with you and your team. We have monthly improvement cycles (like adjustments) and follow-ups via Zoom video conference and phone calls with you and your manager. We use the framework described in my book, The Goal Driven Business, and tailor all our work to your needs and goals
The Standard program is $1250 per month, and the Advanced program is $1,850 monthly. This includes travel expenses. The Advance program offers more visits to your office.
If you are in the Standard program, the MBA is 50% off.
If you are in the Advanced program, the MBA program is included
Please call or e-mail me if you are interested or have any questions.
E-mail: Phone: Office: (414) 332-4511
Petty, Michel and Associates
When Seminars Aren't Enough