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Join date: Feb 1, 2021


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Hi, my name is Ed Petty and for the last 35 years this is the outcome our company has achieved for the hundreds of business owners with whom we have worked. Working directly on-site with business owners across the country and 22 practices we owned with other providers, we have learned what works and what doesn’t. We have discovered the hidden barriers that keep hardworking business owners back from achieving their full potential. Distilling our observations and correlating them with the results of other researchers, we have developed a unique system of business development we call the Goal Driven System. I have recently published a book called the Goal Driven Business that lays out specific steps to shift a practice from being dependent on the owner to one that is dependent upon systems and driven by goals. As most practices begin to grow, the owner soon becomes too bogged down with extra work. As a result, most business owners, often burned out, never achieve the success they hope to achieve.

AGoal Driven Business allows the owner more freedom to be a provider and an unburdened owner. It simplifies practice procedures and shifts 30% or more of administrative duties to employees. The practice is simpler, more profitable, provides better service – and is more fun.

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