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Is this the Best Time to
Grow a Chiropractic Business?


Dear Chiropractic Entrepreneur,

Is this the best time to grow a chiropractic business?


It could be.

Look at the stats:


  • Chiropractic growth. The demand for chiropractors is expected to grow by 9-10% per year from 2022 to 2032 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.3% from 2023 to 2030.


  • Complementary and alternative medicine. This market is projected to grow between 17.8 and 25% CAGR over the next 10 years. Approximately 38% of adults in the United States use some form of alternative "medicine." Chiropractic care is the most commonly used form of alternative healthcare service in the United States, with over 22 million adults and 1.7 million children receiving treatment annually.*

  • General healthcare services. The demand for general healthcare services overall is projected to grow at a CAGR by 5% from 2023 to 2028, faster than the average for all occupations but still lower than the chiropractic industry's projected growth.

  • Acupuncture. Acupuncture is becoming more utilized and is expected to grow between 14 and 17.7% (CAGR) between 2022 and 2032.

The world is catching on. People want natural healthcare. They are tired of the drugs and skeptical of conventional medical institutions.


Medical Doctors are attending chiropractic conferences across the country as they realize not only the benefits available to patients with chiropractic care but also the gross shortcomings of our medical "healthcare" system. They are also aware of how the U.S. healthcare system ranks with other countries, and more and more are coming out as whistleblowers, revealing what they see in their practices.


Chiropractic is an established brand and is gaining more acceptance. Chiropractors, along with other doctors, are supporting Olympic athletes, and in the U.S., every national American football team has its own chiropractors.


What does this mean for you?




As a healthcare business owner in chiropractic, you have a tremendous opportunity for growth -- IF YOU ARE PREPARED FOR IT!


You may be comfortable with your current patient load and income while managing your office. There is nothing wrong with that.


But, there will be doctors who see this era as an opportunity, an opening in the ramparts of corporate medical dominance for natural health to move in.


And they will seize it.


Unfortunately, for many, I am afraid they will fail.


But you don't have to.




I have been surveying the current marketing of practice management companies. Here is what I see promoted:


  • Increase your revenue. "I made more money."

  • Get more new patients. "30 N.P.s this month."

  • New services and equipment. "More income streams."

  • Automate your practice with systems. "Less work if it is automated."


There is nothing wrong with these promotions or projects, and competent coaching programs are valuable.


But too often, entrepreneurial doctors chase these solutions because they appear new and "shiny." What appears as solutions are frequently superficial and short-term patches, and do not install the long-term remedies that create real affluence.


I have to laugh when I hear a young doctor saying, "Last month I made $200,000" because I know how these stories usually play out.


Real money is not made in a month. Profit is accumulated consistently over the years. New marketing approaches and additional clinical services can improve collections, but they can only be sustained through excellent organization and leadership that ensures superb results.


There are always new marketing avenues, and selecting the best medium to use is a common element in any marketing strategy. There has always been new equipment. I have seen them at seminars and then, later, noticed them unused in the empty rooms at clinics. I have also received services from the bored staff who applied them.


Systems are essential, and their importance was broadcast in the popular work by Mike Gerber and his E-Myth, which came out in the 80s. So, nothing new there. I have also rarely seen his work applied over time.




Based on seeing what works and what doesn't in over 30 years of working in and on chiropractic offices across the country, as well as starting a company along with two others that opened, financed, ran, and sold over 20 offices, I can testify that:

Practices that are well organized generate more profit and produce more and better outcomes, have better team morale, and allow the owner more time to pursue business, professional, and personal goals.

In our management and leadership development program (Goal Driven Practice MBA), I call this:


Practice MBA MAXIM #1. Organization. 

Practices that are well organized are more capable of achieving their goals.

This fact was first imprinted on my mind when I began working with chiropractors many years ago. I started with an office in California that was routinely seeing well over 2,000 visits per week. It had several associate doctors and 2 partners.

lining up for a chioractic health screening


It was, as far as I know, the largest chiropractic office in the country at that time. Other practice consultants would use this office as a model, even taking their clients on a tour of the 3-story building in which it operated with its 28 adjusting rooms.

The primary owner of the office found time and had the income to travel and teach. He even started a management company, and for a while, David Michel and I worked with his clients, who were inspired to achieve what he did.


But in most cases, the key to his success was missed. Behind the

scenes was his wife. She was intelligent, disciplined, personable, and devoted, of course. She organized the company. She was the senior manager or COO, though she didn't have that as a title. A full-time practice manager aided her.


This chiropractic business was one of the most organized and systematized offices I have yet to see.

edward petty consulting 80s.jpg

What gets overlooked or taken for granted is that, in order to have an organized office, you need someone acting as a

competent manager.


So, another Maxim.

Practice MBA MAXIM 2. The Manager.

A competent manager is needed to organize the practice and keep it organized.


The best practices I have seen over the years have had a functioning manager.


They were often inadequately trained and empowered, but their work was still valuable and made a significant difference in

the practice. Office managers, practice managers, and staff acting in this role help organize and improve the performance of practices. This is what I have observed.

But I am not the only one.



Gallup and It's The Manager. 


Gallup states: "...the quality of managers and team leaders is the single biggest factor in your organization's long-term success." Gallup's data shows that organizations that have made radical changes to their management practices have achieved 147% higher earnings per share compared to their competition. (From the book, It's the Manager, by Gallup, Clifton and Carter)

Because this manager role is not well defined or recognized, doctors and business owners often fall into the hole of doing the office management themselves.


This takes time and attention away from patient care and leadership, ultimately limiting practice growth, income, and freedom. It's also a major cause of burnout.


To achieve the greatest success, in most cases, the manager should not be the doctor or business owner.

business owner falling into a hole of too many admin tasks
Managers help leaders lead.
Every business needs leadership. Leadership navigates the business into the future successfully. Leadership provides the Where, the Why, and the When. Management provides the How.
If the doctor is too focused on the present-day administration, like driving a car while only looking at the speedometer, the business will never get out of 2nd gear. Or worse, will end up in the ditch.
You can't be a leader if you have no time to do so and this is why a manager is so valuable.
It is crucial to distinguish between the role of a leader and that of a doctor. Each position has a different job description with different goals and outcomes.
So, this takes us to another maxim as a logical follow-up:
Practice MBA MAXIM 3. Leadership.
Good management allows the clinic director to be a better leader.
The success formula of the hugely profitable and successful business I first worked with was:


** A leader defining goals, teaching about goals, and insisting on their achievement.

** A competent manager organizing the business to achieve goals.


This is kind of a Ying-Yang formula, a synergistic teamwork that drives the business forward that I have seen applied in other practices.

And where does marketing fit in?  Everywhere!
Marketing is a subset of management, leadership, and clinical excellence. Your business is a marketing machine because the purpose of any business is to create and maintain a customer.
"The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer." (Peter Drucker)
Marketing won't be effective in the long-term without a solid organization and leadership to back it up. The truth of

marketing is that there are many moving parts, and these can't be faked. You may strike a gold mine now and then from an ad campaign, a screening at a county fair, or referrals from a few businesses. But these new people need to be serviced excellently, as do the people servicing them.


In the early 1990s, David Michel and I, along with two others, formed a company that began opening new chiropractic offices in Wisconsin. Our goal was to start offices for new doctors and, with their help, grow them so that after a few years, they could easily afford to buy them. In total, we opened and sold over 20 offices. (Below is a chart of our monthly new patients before we started to sell the offices.)

To be successful, we had to organize an effective marketing system, which we later called the Marketing Manager System. Its

evident effectiveness was due to established and routine systems. (We bundled the information into 3 binders, later transferring it to software. It is now on on our website at

Practice MBA MAXIM 4. Marketing.

For marketing to be effective and sustainable, excellent management and leadership is required.

Managers help doctors doctor.

With excellent organizational support, you and the doctors and service providers can focus on patient care. Chiropractic and

your services are not what will slow you down. They work. They are not the issue.

The issue is better organization and leadership. And when this improves, you and your doctors are free to focus on quality

care. The world WILL beat a path to your office if you are providing the best care in town. That is your unique selling proposition.

But to achieve this quality, and maintain it, requires management and leadership.

Practice MBA MAXIM 5. Services and Outcomes.

The quality of patient outcomes and services is directly proportional to the quality of organization, management, and leadership.


If you want to grow and increase your profit over the long term, now is the time to act.

Superficial fixes won't do it. Only better management and leadership will take you where you want to go.

But besides the opportunity, PLEASE consider the risks:

If you follow the current events of the U.S. economy, you must also appreciate that the stability of the economy is not certain.

There is no way to predict for sure but given the $30 trillion debt of the United States government, BRICS, housing costs, inflation, wars, and many other factors, the possibility of a significant downturn in the next 3 -5 years is not out of the question.


So, now is the time to act and build and profit.

Do so by building a stronger business.


Take our GOAL DRIVEN PRACTICE MBA to improve the leadership and management of your clinic, improve profitability, service, and outcomes, and ensure stability no matter the economic trends of the future.

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Do you want help implementing marketing and management procedures to grow and develop your business? Learn more about our coaching program.

© 2024 Edward W. Petty: The Goal Driven Business

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