The class has helped me to set goals for the clinic and for myself. I learned how to organize the goals by how important and by how urgent they are.
We have a set mission statement and 9 core values that we treat like goals.
The entire staff is aware of the clinic goals, their personal goals at the clinic and our values. This has helped tremendously. They know exactly what our expectations are and where we want the clinic to go in the future.
Another part I took extreme interest in learning about was how to deliver "world class service." Deliver "wow" through service and care.
My clinic director has loosened her reins and lets me take care of the business so she can focus on patients, the future, and educating staff.
I would absolutely recommend this program to all offices whether they are super successful or struggling. It's the best learning tool for fresh and new managers and a huge reminder and motivational tool for the veterans in the office.
And for someone like me, who is right in the middle, it was all of the above!
5 out of 5 stars!!
Sara N