Strengthen Your Network in December
“Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends.”*
Three weeks till Christmas!
Yikes! Let’s make the most out of this month before we get into the fast lane of the New Year.
Take this month to connect and reconnect: patients, referral sources, team members and stakeholders, family friends – those dear to us. Share some good tidings and joy. Here are some ideas:
1. Keep the show on the road. While ensuring that everyone has time off, try to keep the lights on, the tables warm, and the greetings friendly all month. Anytime you close for a period of time, you can lose momentum. If you are closed for a few days, PACK the days you are open with visits! Remember:
Health Never Takes a Holiday!!
2. Thank You’s to referral sources. Plan to get out and thank all your external referral sources. Show your appreciation: cards, cookies, and guest passes for intro services! Keep your network active. Remember:
“Your chiropractic healthcare practice is a network of relationships created and sustained through communication and service.”**
3. Thank You’s to your patients. Show extra appreciation to your patients. It takes some courage and effort to venture out to see you for care. They are taking responsibility for their health, even though they may not follow all your recommendations. Have an appreciation party, send out greeting cards, give away poinsettias to families, or offer eggnog and treats from a local independent store with the store’s promotional sign.
4. Your Team. Look at your Profit and Loss for the year. If you have any extra dough, privately reward individual team members with a bonus. If the cupboard is empty, let your team know, but give them something. And THANK THEM!
5. Your Family. Don’t forget your family! Heavens! They deserve something for putting up with you this year! (lol)
6. The Spirit! Lastly, be filled with the Spirit of the season. You can watch It’s a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart. Again!
The New Year will come at us fast… so take this time to absorb all the merriment, comfort, and joy you can so you’ll start fresh and filled with renewed energy in January.
So consider the actions above and Don’t Be Forgotten!
Should old acquaintance be forgot - and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot - and old lang syne?
With friendship,
Ed and all of us at PM&A
*from the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life
** from the book, The Goal Driven Business
If your practice building efforts aren’t taking you to your goals,
there are reasons -- many of which are hidden from you.
Find out what they are and how to sail to your next level by getting and implementing my new book, The Goal Driven Business.
