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2 Simple Tools for Marketing Success

Updated: May 6

calendar and checklist for goal driven practice marketing

At least half of your marketing success lies in how it is organized and managed. Short-term advertising or special promotions can work. But like a sugar rush, they don’t last.

Good marketing is planned and consistent. Marketing by the latest bright idea, or what your school chum is doing in Kankakee, is, at best, a short-term fix. So, use these 2 tools, and over the next 6 months, your new patients and returning patients will improve.

Your Chiropractic Practice Marketing List

Make a list of all your successful marketing procedures and events. Organize it by daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. You could have 20 procedures or events, from calling the new patient after their first adjustment and treatment, visiting external referral sources, your monthly newsletter, and a reactivation campaign in October as part of National Spinal Health Month. You can even include smiling! 😊

Give this list to an assistant to manage. (Download a free sample below.)

Then, review it every month. Ask these questions and take action as needed:

  • Were these items completed?

  • How did they work?

  • How can they be improved?

  • Should we consider pausing one or adding another?

Your Healthcare Practice Marketing Calendar

While your Marketing List includes most of your recurring actions, the Marketing Calendar shows your future scheduled special events. This would include upcoming events such as workshops, a special promotion like a food drive donation, a paid advertising campaign, a patient appreciation, or a booth and march in the town parade.

This is your plan for the next 2-4 months. Update it at least monthly. Post it in a communal area for the entire team to view.

Why post it?

Remember- where is the marketing department? That’s right – THE ENTIRE OFFICE! So, everyone has a role in “selling health.” Everyone is in the marketing department.

Just do these two actions – review your list and complete the actions on it, and schedule your marketing events on a calendar and complete them – and your new patients and returning patients will improve.

Persistence and Discipline

While these tools are simple to use, your challenge will be to keep using them. This will require persistence and discipline. As I recall Harvey Mackay saying, “Knowing what to do is not the same as having the discipline to do it.”

Keep doing what works and schedule your success.

Seize your future,


Download a sample Marketing List of procedures and events. [Marketing List]

See also


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